Megadoom II
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wm is another wad organizer and doom launcher.
It features:
Launch wads on what ever episode and level you prefer.
Leaves a very small footprint in memory, so you can load your
huge disk cache in the lower 640K (a good idea, I might add.)
Make your own episodes *on the fly*!
Add comments, delete wads, give `em long names.
Run any executable you wish! (doom, sersetup, etc.)
Number of wads you can index is limited to disk space and
memory available.
wm shows all sorts of info- which levels are present in the
wad, what music it replaces, whether it has a built-in demo,
an lmp, or text file.
View text files directly from wm.
Provides easy access to the most popular DOOM parameters.
Lets you provide any parameters you wish. So, you can use
sersetup with -com2 and any other paramters you want.
Specify DOOM's config file.
Delete wads (both from the internal list, and from disk).
Easy-to-use input boxes let you use the arrow keys, control keys,
and other special keys.
On-line help is available (heh.)
Very little documentation!
No telephone support.
A colorful screen interface.
Completely customizable to your drives and directory setup.
Its in English.
It only works with the registered version of DOOM. (Register)
Before you start, have a look at the wm.ini file. Make sure
that, at the least, the doomdrive and doomroot settings are
correct. You might also like to change the other defaults.
Type "wm -?" to get a look at what sort of command line parameters
are available [See COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS below]
Now, you're ready to go.
Type "wm" to get started. When it prompts you, give a fully
qualified path to the directory with your .wad files. If you've
actually orgainized them into directories, wm will search through
subdirectories, so give it the root directory of your wad files.
(You can always add wads later, too).
You should be presented with a list of wads. Use the arrow keys,
Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn to navigate through the list. The most
frequently used commands are listed along the bottom of the screen.
Red letters are hot-keys. Press '?' or 'H' for some limited on-line
Now for some of the powerful stuff. Lets say you have one wad, call
it yabba.wad. And another, dabba.wad. You think these two would go
great together, but the original authors put them on E2M3 and E1M1.
What to do? Just move the highlight bar to yabba and hit '1'. Then
move to dabba and hit '2'. Now hit return. That's it. You'll be
presented with a summary of what you're about to do. Hit N (for
"no"). Say you really like the music of episode 3 (for some reason...),
hit 'E' to change the episode to 3. Hit return again. Tada. wm
will move the wads to where you want them. Its really easy to mix
wads around now.
Sounds good, but there are some catches. First, if a wad has more
than one level, wm won't mess with it. Just look at the
information presented at the bottom of the screen to see what level
to select in DOOM settings. Second, currently wm doesn't move
anything but the map portion of a wad around. If some wad is setup
for E3M9 and has new MUSIC, the level will move, but the MUSIC will
stay where it is.
If you're worried about wm wrecking your wads, don't be. First,
you can always download it again, second, I've had no trouble
(not that you'd believe me anyway), and third, only 4 bytes need
to be modified to move a wad file, so its a fairly simple operation.
If you're worried about running out of memory because you gave it
all to smartdrv. Don't. wm only uses 1.5K once its swapped out.
Which, I think is quite stellar. This was not my doing, I got
this excellent code off the Net. [More on this later]
Experiment, hopefully you'll find this quite handy.
Anytime you are asked for input, wm acts fairly intelligently. The
cursor keys work. As does Insert, Home, and End. Ctrl-Y clears
the line. Esc will generally undo your input.
-ini <file> : Use the specified .ini file instead
of the default wm.ini. Usefull if you
and your sibling have different priorities.
-update : Force a search for wads before anything else.
This is exactly the same as the 'U' option in
the main area of wm.
-doomroot <dir> : Directory in which the chosen executable resides.
Default is c:\doom.
-doomexe <file> : File to execute when DOOMing. Default is doom.
Leave off the ".exe", and provide no path info.
The path should be in doomroot.
-datafile <file>: The file to read/write wad list information to/from.
Default is wadlist.txt. This is not really a text
file, but it can be fiddled with manually (not really
-parms <str> : A list of other parameters to pass to doom. If
you use wm to start modem games, you might put
dial commands, etc. in here. Enclose the string
in double quotes if it is more than one word!
-episode <num> : Your favorite DOOM episode (1-3).
-mission <num> : Your favorite mission.
Clearly, ID software deserves a lot. So, register if you haven't.
The package of code that allows me to swap wm out of memory and DOOM
into memory with so little wasted space was written by Thomas Wagner,
who put his package on the Net, in the Public Domain. Thank you, Thomas.
Bob Stout released a package of simple and _very_ useful functions in C.
Its called SNIPPETS. I got the line-entry code from there, along with
various file functions. Thanks to Walter Bright, Jon Burchmore, and
Jerry Coffin for putting their code in the Public Domain and allowing
Bob Stout to put it in his collection.
I can be reached with comments, suggestions (for new features
especially), and bugs at ptullman@emba.uvm.edu.
[My email address will expire sometime in late `95.]
If you have questions about wm, the code I used off of the net,
or C coding in general, feel free to drop a line (I like mail.).
Feedback of anysort is appreciated. I'd love to know how far this thing
has gone, even if you don't like it.
Look for new releases as I discover bugs, and add features.
Patrick Tullmann
You have permission to redistribute these files, as long as you adhere
to the following conditions:
1) Keep all of the files together. This means keeping wm.doc, wm.exe
and (the original) wm.ini together, preferably in the same
archive file.
2) No fee beyond that required to cover the cost of the media
for distriubtion is charged.
3) Don't call ID for technical support on wm.
Basically, keep it in one piece, don't make any money off of it, and
don't pester anyone else about bugs in it.
(c) 1994 Black Hat Productions.